AI is changing the hiring process – and not always for the better

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used by employers to help them recruit, monitor, and evaluate workers. But are these tools really effective, fair, and ethical? Or are they introducing bias, pseudoscience, and discrimination into the world of work?

A recent Guardian article looked at The Algorithm, a new book from investigative reporter and professor Hilke Schellmann in which she explores the hidden impacts of AI on hiring and employment. She experiments with some of the tools herself, such as a one-way video interview system that claims to assess candidates based on their voice and words. Schellmann also interviews experts and workers who have experienced the effects of AI in their jobs.

In the book, Schellmann argues that AI tools are not neutral or objective, but reflect the values and biases of their creators and users. She calls for more scrutiny, accountability, and regulation of these tools, as well as more involvement and empowerment of workers and job seekers. She warns that if we do not challenge the algorithm, we risk losing our human agency and autonomy in the workplace.

Read the full article here:

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