5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality has a lot of potential uses, and not only in gaming and entertainment, although these are two areas that are likely to help drive the development and improvement of both hardware and software. VR is also being used in retail for example, by offering things  like virtual mannequins and is also proving popular…

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality has a lot of potential uses, and not only in gaming and entertainment, although these are two areas that are likely to help drive the development and improvement of both hardware and software. VR is also being used in retail for example, by offering things  like virtual mannequins and is also proving popular…

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality has a lot of potential uses, and not only in gaming and entertainment, although these are two areas that are likely to help drive the development and improvement of both hardware and software. VR is also being used in retail for example, by offering things  like virtual mannequins and is also proving popular…

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality has a lot of potential uses, and not only in gaming and entertainment, although these are two areas that are likely to help drive the development and improvement of both hardware and software. VR is also being used in retail for example, by offering things  like virtual mannequins and is also proving popular…

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

5 Revolutionary Educational and Professional Uses for Virtual Reality was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow

IoT enables physical devices, vehicles, buildings, bridges and roads to collect and exchange data through networks. We spoke to professor Carlo Ratti about effects of pervasive technologies like IoT on city design and urban planning. Carlo Ratti teaches at MIT, where he directs the Senseable City Lab. He is the author of the book “The…

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow

IoT enables physical devices, vehicles, buildings, bridges and roads to collect and exchange data through networks. We spoke to professor Carlo Ratti about effects of pervasive technologies like IoT on city design and urban planning. Carlo Ratti teaches at MIT, where he directs the Senseable City Lab. He is the author of the book “The…

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow

IoT enables physical devices, vehicles, buildings, bridges and roads to collect and exchange data through networks. We spoke to professor Carlo Ratti about effects of pervasive technologies like IoT on city design and urban planning. Carlo Ratti teaches at MIT, where he directs the Senseable City Lab. He is the author of the book “The…

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

The Internet of Things and the city of tomorrow was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers

More than 200 state-school pupils from disadvantaged homes will learn computer code, as part of two new pilot schemes designed to improve social mobility in the digital-technology sector. * Read the full article here

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers

More than 200 state-school pupils from disadvantaged homes will learn computer code, as part of two new pilot schemes designed to improve social mobility in the digital-technology sector. * Read the full article here

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech