How Skynet Might Emerge From Simple Physics

A provocative paper from 2013 proposed that complex intelligent behaviour may emerge from a fundamentally simple physical process. The theory offers novel prescriptions for how to build an AI — but it also explains how a world-dominating superintelligence might come about, such as the Terminator franchise’s Skynet system. And on this day, 25 years on…

How Skynet Might Emerge From Simple Physics was originally published on iSeeTech

How Skynet Might Emerge From Simple Physics was originally published on iSeeTech

Pokémon Go Leads To Some Really Unusual Business Ideas

Pokemon GO has achieved praises for being compelling enough to make people leave their couches and make them active and sporty in the search. Also, it got itself defamed by having caused accidents, well many of them. When the game is so much in news, it has also attracted several business minds. People are trying…

Pokémon Go Leads To Some Really Unusual Business Ideas was originally published on iSeeTech

Pokémon Go Leads To Some Really Unusual Business Ideas was originally published on iSeeTech

Pokémon Go Leads To Some Really Unusual Business Ideas was originally published on iSeeTech

Pokémon Go Leads To Some Really Unusual Business Ideas

Pokemon GO has achieved praises for being compelling enough to make people leave their couches and make them active and sporty in the search. Also, it got itself defamed by having caused accidents, well many of them. When the game is so much in news, it has also attracted several business minds. People are trying…

Pokémon Go Leads To Some Really Unusual Business Ideas was originally published on iSeeTech

Pokémon Go Leads To Some Really Unusual Business Ideas was originally published on iSeeTech

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017

At the 2016 Intel Developer Forum (IDF), Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announced during the Keynote presentation that Windows Holographic would be available for all mainstream Windows 10 PCs starting in 2017. It appears that Windows may be targeting this market directly and attempting to take control before other applications gain much more ground. * Read…

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017

At the 2016 Intel Developer Forum (IDF), Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announced during the Keynote presentation that Windows Holographic would be available for all mainstream Windows 10 PCs starting in 2017. It appears that Windows may be targeting this market directly and attempting to take control before other applications gain much more ground. * Read…

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017

At the 2016 Intel Developer Forum (IDF), Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announced during the Keynote presentation that Windows Holographic would be available for all mainstream Windows 10 PCs starting in 2017. It appears that Windows may be targeting this market directly and attempting to take control before other applications gain much more ground. * Read…

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech

Windows Holographic Coming to Windows 10 PCs in 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech

Cloud hacking trick allows undetectable changes to VM memory

Hacking researchers have uncovered a new attack technique which can alter the memory of virtual machines in the cloud. The team, based at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, introduced the attack, dubbed Flip Feng Shui (FFS) in a paper titled Flip Feng Shui: Hammering a Needle in the Software Stack. They explained hackers could use the technique…

Cloud hacking trick allows undetectable changes to VM memory was originally published on iSeeTech

Cloud hacking trick allows undetectable changes to VM memory was originally published on iSeeTech