You Might Be Confused…Here’s What These Emoji ACTUALLY Mean

Man, communicating in today’s ever-changing, ever-more-technological world can be confusing. Not only that, but for the lazy among us (points at self), keeping up can be a huge challenge. I don’t want to have to figure out some new emoji or social media platform every other week. Who has that kind of time? * Read…

You Might Be Confused…Here’s What These Emoji ACTUALLY Mean was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why

Last month Ellen Williams, the director of ARPA-E, the U.S. Department of Energy’s advanced research program for alternative energy, made headlines when she told the Guardian newspaper that “We have reached some holy grails in batteries.” Despite very promising results from the 75-odd energy-storage research projects that ARPA-E funds, however, the grail of compact, low-cost…

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why

Last month Ellen Williams, the director of ARPA-E, the U.S. Department of Energy’s advanced research program for alternative energy, made headlines when she told the Guardian newspaper that “We have reached some holy grails in batteries.” Despite very promising results from the 75-odd energy-storage research projects that ARPA-E funds, however, the grail of compact, low-cost…

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why

Last month Ellen Williams, the director of ARPA-E, the U.S. Department of Energy’s advanced research program for alternative energy, made headlines when she told the Guardian newspaper that “We have reached some holy grails in batteries.” Despite very promising results from the 75-odd energy-storage research projects that ARPA-E funds, however, the grail of compact, low-cost…

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why

Last month Ellen Williams, the director of ARPA-E, the U.S. Department of Energy’s advanced research program for alternative energy, made headlines when she told the Guardian newspaper that “We have reached some holy grails in batteries.” Despite very promising results from the 75-odd energy-storage research projects that ARPA-E funds, however, the grail of compact, low-cost…

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why

Last month Ellen Williams, the director of ARPA-E, the U.S. Department of Energy’s advanced research program for alternative energy, made headlines when she told the Guardian newspaper that “We have reached some holy grails in batteries.” Despite very promising results from the 75-odd energy-storage research projects that ARPA-E funds, however, the grail of compact, low-cost…

We have better battery technologies, but not better batteries. Here’s why was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind

A new generation of laptops are starting to roll out that feature Nvidia’s 10-series cards built on the Pascal chip architecture. The company already unleashed the GTX Titan X, 1080, 1070, and 1060 in their desktop formats, but now manufacturers like MSI, Asus, and Razer are building the mobile versions of those chips into their gaming notebooks. Unlike previous…

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind

A new generation of laptops are starting to roll out that feature Nvidia’s 10-series cards built on the Pascal chip architecture. The company already unleashed the GTX Titan X, 1080, 1070, and 1060 in their desktop formats, but now manufacturers like MSI, Asus, and Razer are building the mobile versions of those chips into their gaming notebooks. Unlike previous…

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind

A new generation of laptops are starting to roll out that feature Nvidia’s 10-series cards built on the Pascal chip architecture. The company already unleashed the GTX Titan X, 1080, 1070, and 1060 in their desktop formats, but now manufacturers like MSI, Asus, and Razer are building the mobile versions of those chips into their gaming notebooks. Unlike previous…

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind

A new generation of laptops are starting to roll out that feature Nvidia’s 10-series cards built on the Pascal chip architecture. The company already unleashed the GTX Titan X, 1080, 1070, and 1060 in their desktop formats, but now manufacturers like MSI, Asus, and Razer are building the mobile versions of those chips into their gaming notebooks. Unlike previous…

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech

Nvidia Pascal-powered Laptops Are Blowing My Mind was originally published on iSeeTech