7 for 7 : What’s happened this week? 25/02/24
Here are the top 7 tech news stories of the past week or so:
Clearing the Clouds of Technology
Here are the top 7 tech news stories of the past week or so:
Here is a summary of the top 7 tech news stories of the last 7 (or so) days:
Here is a summary of the top 7 tech news stories of the last 7 (or so) days:
Remember when everyone and their dog got hooked on playing Farmville for about five minutes then sauntered off to play some proper games? Facebook certainly does, as it’s announced sizable plans to move into PC game distribution, with a deal with game engine Unity that will see it competing closely with gaming giant Steam. *…
Facebook Plans to be the Next Steam for PC Gaming was originally published on iSeeTech
Facebook Plans to be the Next Steam for PC Gaming was originally published on iSeeTech
Remember when everyone and their dog got hooked on playing Farmville for about five minutes then sauntered off to play some proper games? Facebook certainly does, as it’s announced sizable plans to move into PC game distribution, with a deal with game engine Unity that will see it competing closely with gaming giant Steam. *…
Facebook Plans to be the Next Steam for PC Gaming was originally published on iSeeTech
The shiny new Xbox One S was just a taste. Microsoft’s Project Scorpio — coming in the fourth quarter of 2017 — will be the true main meal. According to Microsoft, it’s both the future of Xbox and the most powerful game console ever made. * Read the full article here
Project Scorpio: Everything we know about the next Xbox coming 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech
Project Scorpio: Everything we know about the next Xbox coming 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech
Project Scorpio: Everything we know about the next Xbox coming 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech
The shiny new Xbox One S was just a taste. Microsoft’s Project Scorpio — coming in the fourth quarter of 2017 — will be the true main meal. According to Microsoft, it’s both the future of Xbox and the most powerful game console ever made. * Read the full article here
Project Scorpio: Everything we know about the next Xbox coming 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech
The shiny new Xbox One S was just a taste. Microsoft’s Project Scorpio — coming in the fourth quarter of 2017 — will be the true main meal. According to Microsoft, it’s both the future of Xbox and the most powerful game console ever made. * Read the full article here
Project Scorpio: Everything we know about the next Xbox coming 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech
Project Scorpio: Everything we know about the next Xbox coming 2017 was originally published on iSeeTech
The PC industry’s glory days, when people snapped up new computers powered by steadily faster chips, are over. But Intel thinks its newest PC processor will get some hearts racing in a few months. * Read the full article here
Intel’s next-gen PC chip works, it’s the fastest ever, and it’s coming this fall was originally published on iSeeTech
Intel’s next-gen PC chip works, it’s the fastest ever, and it’s coming this fall was originally published on iSeeTech
Intel’s next-gen PC chip works, it’s the fastest ever, and it’s coming this fall was originally published on iSeeTech
The PC industry’s glory days, when people snapped up new computers powered by steadily faster chips, are over. But Intel thinks its newest PC processor will get some hearts racing in a few months. * Read the full article here
Intel’s next-gen PC chip works, it’s the fastest ever, and it’s coming this fall was originally published on iSeeTech
Intel’s next-gen PC chip works, it’s the fastest ever, and it’s coming this fall was originally published on iSeeTech
Intel’s next-gen PC chip works, it’s the fastest ever, and it’s coming this fall was originally published on iSeeTech