Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers

More than 200 state-school pupils from disadvantaged homes will learn computer code, as part of two new pilot schemes designed to improve social mobility in the digital-technology sector. * Read the full article here

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers

More than 200 state-school pupils from disadvantaged homes will learn computer code, as part of two new pilot schemes designed to improve social mobility in the digital-technology sector. * Read the full article here

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers

More than 200 state-school pupils from disadvantaged homes will learn computer code, as part of two new pilot schemes designed to improve social mobility in the digital-technology sector. * Read the full article here

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

Computer coding classes for disadvantaged children could boost social mobility in digital careers was originally published on iSeeTech

7 bad programming ideas that work

Anyone who has listened to a teenager, sports commentator, or corporate management knows the connection between words and meaning can be fluid. A new dance craze can be both “cool” and “hot” at the same time. A star player’s “sick moves” don’t necessarily require any medical attention. And if a company is going to “reorganize,”…

7 bad programming ideas that work was originally published on iSeeTech

7 bad programming ideas that work

Anyone who has listened to a teenager, sports commentator, or corporate management knows the connection between words and meaning can be fluid. A new dance craze can be both “cool” and “hot” at the same time. A star player’s “sick moves” don’t necessarily require any medical attention. And if a company is going to “reorganize,”…

7 bad programming ideas that work was originally published on iSeeTech

7 bad programming ideas that work was originally published on iSeeTech